
Sunday, December 20, 2009


Here's some comment regarding the period of advent that John Smith has recently reminded us of from Archbishop Oscar Romero who was killed by a shot to the heart on March 24, 1980, while celebrating Mass at a small chapel located in a hospital called "La Divina Providencia", one day after a sermon where he had called on Salvadoran soldiers, as Christians, to obey God's higher order and to stop carrying out the government's repression and violations of basic human rights.


"Advent should admonish us to discover in each brother or sister that we greet, in each friend whose hand we shake, in each beggar who asks for bread, in each worker who wants to use the right to join a union, in each peasant who looks for work in the coffee groves, the face of Christ. Then it would not be possible to rob them, to cheat them, to deny them their rights. They are Christ, and whatever is done to them Christ will take as done to himself. This is what Advent is: Christ living among us.

In celebrating Christmas, many Christians do exactly the opposite of what the earliest Christians did. By celebrating Christmas, they succeeded in bringing Christ into the pagan feast of the sun. Today’s Christians’ neo-paganism is managing to paganize Christmas. Jesus was not born on December 25 exactly. The Christian liturgy chose that date in order to give a Christian meaning to the Roman feast of the unvanquished sun. The pagans of the Roman Empire celebrated the sun’s rebirth during the longest night of the year. That midnight was considered as the starting point of the sun’s march, which then began to overcome the darkness. It was easy for the Christians to substitute Jesus Christ for the sun and to make the birth of Christ, Sun of Justice, coincide liturgically with the pagan celebration of the birth of the sun. The centuries that followed have proved the church’s genius, for bit by bit the meaning of Christmas pushed into oblivion the jovial pagan celebration and filled the entire world with the joy of the Redeemer’s birth. Today even unbelievers sense that something divine entered history during that night without compare. We all feel that the child born that night is a child of our family, and that the brightness of God’s glory that the angels carol makes of that night the loveliest day, when God himself offers us his peace and invites us to be men and women of good will.

What a shame that all of that Christian inspiration with which our liturgy christened a pagan festival has been betrayed by many Christians, who today surrender that spiritual conquest to paganism. To make the values of commerce and of worldly gaiety prevail over the gospel meaning of Christmas is nothing short of a cowardly surrender on the part of Christians. A return to the spirituality of a genuine Christmas will be a noble gesture of solidarity with Christianity’s spiritual victories in the world. A celebration of Christ’s birth with a sense of adoration, love, and gratitude toward the God who loved us even to the folly of giving us his own Son, will be to arrange our life so that the peace that only God can give may brighten it like a sun."
- Archbishop Oscar Romero
Romero was killed by a shot to the heart on March 24, 1980, while celebrating Mass at a small chapel located in a hospital called "La Divina Providencia", one day after a sermon where he had called on Salvadoran soldiers, as Christians, to obey God's higher order and to stop carrying out the government's repression and violations of basic human rights.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

New Members in Hobart & UK

Congratulations to new members Reino (GSCMC Hobart, Tasmania) and Gareth (GSCMC United Kingdom). Faith in Christ continues to be free and available to all - but these colours took a lot of work. Well done guys.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2010 Calendars Now Available

Limited Edition full colour 2010 God's Squad Calendars are now available from your local chapter. Lots of images from the archives plus photo contributions from Victoria, NSW, Tasmania, Queensland, UK, New Zealand, Finland, Germany, Ukraine & Netherlands. See the main website for contact info.

GSCMC Pilgrim (Ireland) Chapter Website Launched

To coincide with the official recognition of Chapter status of our Pilgrim Members in Ireland, they have a new web page - you'll find it here:

Initially you'll find the usual links to all our chapters, some specific chapter history and a guest book - other items will follow soon.

Friday, November 27, 2009

New members

Congratulations to Stew and Tom

Stewart - GSCMC Launceston

Tom - GSCMC Norway

Friday, November 20, 2009


Melbourne - Life membership granted to John and 20 years anniversary for Billabong.
Congratulations and much respect from the whole club.
(Pic by DB)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Road Trip

Here's a few mobile snaps from Sean's recent journey from Melbourne up to Brisbane

Southern NSW

Northern NSW
Brisbane South

Friday, November 6, 2009

Micro's Shovel and Mal's Pan at Nation Run 2009

A nice afternoon ride in Launceston

National Run Tas 2009

At the Airport Sydney and Northern NSW
Marto, Pedro and Rebekah
Pedro and Rebekah
The Launceston Club House

Monday, October 26, 2009

UK national run 1998

Psyco, Dave and Sean checking out Howies shovel

Northern NSW

Rev Garry


Just a cool Bike. Not really a wet weather bike.

Southern NSW

Mal and Bruce from a few years ago

Saturday, October 24, 2009

National Run Brisbane 1999

Dave Fuller Sunday Morning
Neil and Garry

Maitland Show 2007

You have to love a good Knuckle not sure about the leopard skin seat trim.

National Run 2008