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Thursday, March 14, 2019
Thursday, August 7, 2014
On the road in Europe

Lowlands and Ukraine members on the road in Poland

New members in The Netherlands

Congratulations GSCMC Lowlands

Dutch, Irish and German brothers

UK members run

Irish and German chapters in Finland

Lithuanian Prospects visit South Wales

Euro gathering in Finland
on the road,
Monday, December 2, 2013
Fight Injustice!
John Smith//
There were protests at Parliaments throughout Oz on Sunday morning
speaking out against Draconian new laws being sold on a 'tough on crime -
anti biker' ticket (although it is important to note that the legislation can be used against any group of three or more). John Smith - International Pres of God's Squad and Father Bob McGuire among others took the platform in Melbourne...
FYI - The fundamental principle underlying our legal system for the last 200 years has been that people should be imprisoned for their conduct or behaviour, not for what they might do, or because of the people with whom they associate. And yet we now have legislation in Queensland (that is being touted for the rest of OZ) that makes it illegal to be a member of certain organisations, or to be associated with members of that organisation. And if you are a member of an organisation, and are charged with a crime, you are presumed guilty, will be imprisoned without bail and the onus is on you to prove your innocence. -
Fight the Power - Fight Injustice!!
A typical sight on rides - Inspection blockades set up outside clubhouses for 'Random' checks.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Bono and The Edge Endorse Smithy Film
Interest in seeing the documentary film 'Smithy - Something In Every Hue, which tell the story of John Smith & God's Squad, is gathering momentum. In this short candid clip, Bono and The Edge throw their weight behind the project.
To find out me see the previous post and follow this link and read all the info... "Smithy - Something In Every Hue"
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Though I walk through the shadow...
Like too many people from the bush I knew blokes who had taken their own lives. Although this time it was different, very different. This time it was my father and the world, as I knew it, ended.
The day had already been surreal. It was like I was watching a movie with me in it. That morning Mum had finally decided that she couldn’t take my fathers abuse anymore and with us there for Christmas felt safe enough to make the move.
Being an alcoholic my father always had a can in his hand. Dad had already downed a few by the time Mum told him she was leaving. In front of all of us he threatened that he now had no reason to live.
I could see the sequence of events adding up to the final act. He’s putting things in place, tying off loose ends, he’s gonna do it! At the same time I kept telling myself, this isn’t happening, this can’t be happening, I am being paranoid.
I went to the gun safe to take the keys, just in case. Dad was two steps ahead and took a gun out right before my eyes.
He put the rifle in the 4wd and went back to the house. I thought here’s my chance, do something, do something. I fumbled with the .22 trying to release the bolt. It was a new rifle and I had no idea how to release it. Trembling in case he caught me I prayed, “Please God help me get this bolt out”. Just then I saw the hidden lever and the bolt fell into my hands. Quickly I turned the rifle over so he wouldn’t notice and went back into the house. As I walked in the front door, he left by the back. I heard the 4wd roar into action and he thundered out the driveway narrowly missing the gatepost in his fury.
He was gone - presumably up to the farm. We took the opportunity to pack Mums things into the car and get her safely to another house. After several hours of unpacking and reorganising, Mum, my Wife and I returned to the farmhouse to collect some more of her things. As we pulled into the driveway we saw his 4wd parked at the gate. Not knowing what to expect we entered the yard.
As we rounded the corner to the front of the house there was Dad crumpled on the ground… It was a nightmare - we acted on instinct – I remember being on the phone to the police and my wife running into the house yelling that she couldn’t resuscitate him and me going out with her saying well no you cant, half his head is missing. Next to his body was a roughly scrawled note and 3 full shotgun cartridges. A clear message, one for each of us should we have arrived 10 minutes earlier.
Being between Christmas and New Year the coroner was busy clearing the back-log of autopsies. It had been a long drought, rivers were the lowest in living memory, and 4 other Northern Tasmanian farmers had taken their lives that same day.
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Burying my Dad on the family farm |
A member of God’s Squad, I was living in Melbourne at the time and worked for a program called Inside Out with young offenders as a youth worker. My family was in a state of crisis, dealing with our grief while trying to work out what to do with the farm and all that goes with it. So, I stayed on in Tasmania to support my mother and brothers travelling back to Melbourne as often as I could.
My marriage had not been smooth sailing, few marriages are. Trying to both support, my wife and my family whilst dealing with my own grief was becoming tough. One day she called from Melbourne and gave me an ultimatum, she told me she was leaving, if I loved her I wouldn’t be with my family. It was a choice I couldn’t make so told her that if she wanted to leave it was up to her but I needed to be with my family at this time. Having seen what my parents went through, rightly or wrongly I did not want to end up in the same way as my father so the marriage was over.
As with most cases when a marriage ends, men tend to withdraw whereas women reach out for help. Thankfully a club brother in Lonnie, who I hadn’t known very well, took me in while I attempted to sort my life out. He put a roof over my head, even helped me to get a good job. It was there that I met their daughter Claire whom I married 4 years later.
Those that knew me at that time know that I was a bit of a larrikin always looking for a opportunity to make a joke out of something. I even treated my own life as a joke not really taking myself seriously. Some of this was my personality but a lot was a result of post-traumatic stress from my father’s death. I was scared of what I might be able to achieve if I really committed to it. This fear also included a fear of genuine intimacy with my wife. By that I don’t mean sex but the opening up of yourself to another person. So when we started to have some struggles, instead of trying to work it through, I sought escape. For me it took the shape of an affair with a work colleague.
It was one of the biggest mistakes and regrets of my life. When I ended the affair I confessed to my wife who was understandably devastated. To her credit and amazing strength of character she remained with me through all the pain and humiliation she felt. We were separated for a while, as I was trying to sort my head out, I was pretty messed up and confused.
A Christian mate of mine, Al and his wife Lisa took me in and supported me through this time while two club brothers, one from the UK and the other from Launceston both gave me regular support and encouragement. They told me that despite what I had done, I was ok and God loved me and they loved me as brothers and would stick by me through all the crap that life offers. They encouraged me to sort my life out and go back to my loving wife, which I eventually did.
I remember at my lowest point sitting down at the very place where Dad had taken his life years earlier, with a shotgun over my knee and a cartridge in the chamber contemplating the unthinkable. At that moment of incredible darkness I remember staring into the abyss and all of a sudden I had this feeling that everything was going to be ok, that there was light at the end of the tunnel. That God, as the old book says, was holding me in the palm of his giant hand.
I put the gun away that day and never contemplated picking it up again. Nowadays when the shit hits the fan I know that it’s going to be all right. You see, being a follower of Jesus didn’t make me a mindless robot, it didn’t immunise me from the struggles of life. Quite the opposite, it helped me embrace life and confront my demons. Having stared down the barrel of a gun twice I know this life is fragile but I am certain that life is also eternal.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
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Dale (RHS) with his Father in Law Steve |
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Me, Squad and Parkinsons
Marshall and Me out and about //
13 years ago my little finger began to shake. Six months later,
and after a number of other signs the medicos confirmed what I knew already - I
had Parkinsons (a progressive neurological movement disorder). The tremor was a
small thing that, with the other symptoms, would initially disappear with the
medication I took. Would things get worse I asked? Yes they would I was told
and they have. It was different for every one I was told. I chased down this
fellow who was further down the track with the same disease whom I heard road a
Harley. I asked him if he still rode, he looked at me as if I was an idiot -
now I know why.At the time I was International Secretary of God’s Squad and had taken a strong supporting role to Smithy, Ducky and others as we oversaw the expansion of the club. In 2007 it was clear my health could not sustain the energy required to maintain my family, work and Squad. I retired and soon after gave up my bike riding for fear of hurting my mates or myself. I struggled through 2008-9 to work out whether I was still called or not to the club, but I did not feel called away. Although I could no longer do what is typically required of a member I have discovered that there are other ways to serve. God has given me a gift in being a reasonable preacher and teacher of his word. I love the fellowship and friendships I have developed in and out of the club through Squad.
Around this time I had a brain operation that helped - but even so - it was very clear that my riding days were over. The disease, recently, has not being very kind to me and is making life harder. I have had to stop working. As a bloke this has been very difficult. Thanks to my wife Paula for her love and support during this time.
Recently some mates in the club have had me on their bike as a pillion and have offered other help and prayers, thank you. Just last week the Melbourne chapter laid hands on me and prayed for me. It was a special time. I also felt specially honoured in England at the 15th anniversary of the UK chapter thanks again.
The outlaw scene has been on the whole remarkably understanding of my disease. I’m still out and about and “I am glad I have not got what you have” or “I am glad you’re still around” are the comments I get when friends take me aside. Most clubs are aware of it but as happened recently my body can at times make people think I am drug affected.
At 54 I am not old, but this disease makes me older than I am. It’s all relative though. Last Friday I conducted a funeral for a man who died because of his disability at 42. So now when I fall over I get up cos I can, and always do what I can with what I have. It makes me admire Smithy more for the pace he has kept for so many years
Life itself is inherently risky especially if you did not choose your parents well! When you marry you take a huge risk. Having children is risky. Mothers giving birth especially if they’re teenage girls in places like Ethiopia face awesome risks. Riding a motorcycle, trusting others, being in God’s Squad… My faith certainly has been challenged. My struggle with accepting the disease and getting on with following Jesus is as normal as anyone’s. At times I feel strong and other times I need to be carried by others and my mates in the club. I have had much prayer for healing, God has not chosen to yet. I am still called to God’s Squad. Thank you to the Squad community for your support of that call.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
UK Nat Run Snapshots
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Congrats to Murray GSCMC North & Rocky GSCMC South on receiving colours |
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GSCMC North, UK |
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GSCMC South, UK |
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GSCMC South Wales, UK |
National Run,
south wales,
Sunday, May 5, 2013
‘Where you stand determines what you see’.
I became very aware of this fact 21 years ago when I found myself staring down the barrel of a shotgun held by a drunk biker 50m away; at a weekend run. Almost instantly I felt a pellet lodge in my ear and blood began to pour down my face; I began to wonder what was going on! I soon found out this was an accident and a few days later I was ‘baptised’ into local biker folklore with the new name of ‘Buckshot’, profuse apologies and a good story.
This incident and many others have helped me to understand what it means for ‘Jesus to be a friend of outcasts and sinners’. Where we stand does determine what we see – we live in a world that demonises those who aren’t acceptable to the ‘powers that be’. I have come to see that, from numerous interactions with people over the years and general observations of life - including many roadside encounters with the protectors of the status quo. Not everybody sees what we ‘see’.
All people love and are loved by someone; we all have value and a place to stand in the world. But those in power often see things differently from the people in the street, struggling to make a go of the life we have in front of us. They have a way of making it difficult for us to actually be good, just by changing the rules!
Jesus understands this having lived among us. His call and my membership in Squad over many years now have let me see things in a new way. The road may not be easy, I did get shot and have had a few other nasties along the way. There is always hope though, from the solidarity we share together and the God who befriends and lives among those the system demonises.
Be strong and courageous as we strive to live in peace together, come what may.
Buckshot - President
God’s Squad CMC, Wellington NZ
Friday, May 3, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Standing Together
Today the worldwide community of God's Squad CMC stands in solidarity with and in prayer for our dear club brother Pedro and his precious family, as they give thanks to God for the life of their son, Tyrone.
Tyrone Marley Gilks 11/12/1993 - 21/3/2013
From your many brothers, sisters & children from God's Squad families, & from all others associated with this ministry you have served so well we send our deep sympathy, solidarity, & commitment to you Pedro, Rebekah & to all your family. Few words seem to make sense at such a time as this, except the many assurances from our sacred book that your dear son is assuredly "safe in the arms of Jesus" and you too are all embraced in the same loving arms. On behalf of our international community I send our love with the fervent hope that in the difficult days to come we will be a sustaining, loving community of caring friends for you in whatever ways you have need. The multitude of social media tributes to your dear son Tyrone must make you proud & thankful that your faith, love & example produced such an admirable character and vibrant life. We pray Jesus, who was acquainted with grief, and our divine Father, whose son died for us, will comfort & sustain your family at this time and in all your future days of precious memories, recovery & reflection. We love and cherish you all.
John Smith, International President GSCMC"
From your many brothers, sisters & children from God's Squad families, & from all others associated with this ministry you have served so well we send our deep sympathy, solidarity, & commitment to you Pedro, Rebekah & to all your family. Few words seem to make sense at such a time as this, except the many assurances from our sacred book that your dear son is assuredly "safe in the arms of Jesus" and you too are all embraced in the same loving arms. On behalf of our international community I send our love with the fervent hope that in the difficult days to come we will be a sustaining, loving community of caring friends for you in whatever ways you have need. The multitude of social media tributes to your dear son Tyrone must make you proud & thankful that your faith, love & example produced such an admirable character and vibrant life. We pray Jesus, who was acquainted with grief, and our divine Father, whose son died for us, will comfort & sustain your family at this time and in all your future days of precious memories, recovery & reflection. We love and cherish you all.
John Smith, International President GSCMC"
Friday, February 1, 2013
RIP - Stormin' Norm Von Barron Briddock
Father of 3
Grandfather of 6
Member GSCMC for 39 years.
A leader, a poet, an orator
(A couple of NZ members doing the hakka...)
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
New Members - Ireland
Congratulations to Corky, Bap, Ger, Jim and Gareth - God's Squad CMC Pilgrim (Ireland) - on receiving colours.
He has shown you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
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